When you need use HTML formatting in TextBox item:
1) Select text (not only click on item, you must select it).
2) Right mouse click, properties (placeholder).
3) On General page set formatting to HTML. Now you can use base HTML tags in source string.
Microsoft AX 2012, X++, C#, SQL server, SSRS, Java, JavaFX, Oracle, PL/SQL, Delphi - codes examples, step-by-step tutorials, experiences.
Friday, June 29, 2018
SSRS - How return substring only to first occurrence of specified char
When field ItemId contains for example value "ABC-156032_0_0000" and you want only first part of this string to first occurrence of "_" char, use this code for expression:
=Mid( First( Fields!ItemId.Value, "ProdRouteCardDS" ), 1, InStr( First(Fields!ItemId.Value, "ProdRouteCardDS" ), "_" ) - 1 )Output will be:
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
AX - How to split path to file - to path, filename and extension
static void test_job(Args _args) { Filename filepath; Filename filename; Filename filetype; /* get info */ [ filepath, filename, filetype ] = Global::fileNameSplit( "c:\\temp\\readme.txt" ); /* show result */ info( filepath ); info( filename ); info( fileType ); }Output:
Friday, June 22, 2018
POWERSHELL - How to solve "import-module : the specified module 'activedirectory' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory." error
When you get for this powershell command,
The command get for you access to AD powershell functions.
Import-Module ActiveDirectorythis error:
import-module : the specified module 'activedirectory' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory., you have to install "Active Directory Management Gateway Service" at first, and then run command again.
The command get for you access to AD powershell functions.
SQL SERVER - How to solve problem "OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login failed for user" on BI cubes processing
This error occurs, when user (here NT SERVICE\MSOLAP$TSTINST) have not access to source DB.
Solution: Add to user db_datareader rights.
Solution: Add to user db_datareader rights.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
AX - How to solve Error "This installation package could not be opened" (Visual Studio Tools)
This error can occur in installation "Visual Studio Tools" for AX 2012.
When you have VS 2013 (Professional and higher), installation is supported only from CU8.
-> check, if you have CU8 subdir in upgrade directory (in install AX 2012 R3 directory).
When you have VS 2013 (Professional and higher), installation is supported only from CU8.
-> check, if you have CU8 subdir in upgrade directory (in install AX 2012 R3 directory).
DELPHI - How to work with TDirectory (generic)
TDictionary is collection of key-value. In this example is it used for saving previous values - and its refreshing.
procedure TSQLParams.LoadForSQL( _iSQL_ID : integer ); var i : integer; b : boolean; vValue : variant; pParam : TSQLParam; pSQLParam : TSQLParam; pOldValues : TDictionary < string, variant >; begin pOldValues := TDictionary < string, variant >.Create; try { -- save old values of params } for i := 0 to self.Count - 1 do begin pParam := TSQLParam( Items[ i ] ); if not VarIsNull( pParam.vValue ) then pOldValues.Add( pParam.sIdent, pParam.vValue ); end; { -- clear all } clear; { - get info } if DB_SP.sp_params_by_sql_id.Active then DB_SP.sp__params_by_sql_id.Close; DB_SP.sp_params_by_sql_id.ParamByName( '@sql_id' ).AsInteger := _iSQL_ID; DB_SP.sp_sql_detail_params_by_sql_id.Open; DB_SP.sp_params_by_sql_id.First; while not DB_SP.sp_params_by_sql_id.Eof do begin { create new param } pSQLParam := TSQLParam( self.Add ); pSQLParam.sIdent := DB_SP.sp_params_by_sql_id.FieldByName( 'ident' ).AsString.ToLower; pSQLParam.vValue := Variants.null; { - try to find old saved value } b := pOldValues.TryGetValue( pSQLParam.sIdent, vValue ); if b then pSQLParam.vValue := vValue; { - next row } DB_SP.sp_params_by_sql_id.Next; end; finally pOldValues.Free; end; end;
Monday, June 18, 2018
Monday, June 11, 2018
DELPHI - How to split string with TStringList class support
For string split you can use class TStringList.
var i : integer; sResult : string; pSplit : TStringList; begin pSplit := TStringList.Create; try { define delimiter } pSplit.Delimiter := ';'; { - split it } pSplit.Clear; pSplit.DelimitedText := 'This;is;a;list'; { - list it } sResult := ''; for i := 0 to pSplit.Count - 1 do begin sResult := sResult + pSplit[i] + #13; end; ShowMessage( sResult ); finally pSplit.Free; end;Output:
Friday, June 1, 2018
POWERSHELL - Send output to file (with appending)
This example send first output to bothdirs.txt; second line with ">>" appends second output to end of file.
dir c:\tmp > c:\tmp\bothdirs.txt; dir C:\Intel >> c:\tmp\bothdirs.txt; notepad c:\tmp\bothdirs.txt;Output:
Directory: C:\tmp Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d---- 24. 5. 2018 11:05 png -a--- 1. 6. 2018 10:50 0 bothdirs.txt -a--- 31. 5. 2018 13:54 8304 export.txt Directory: C:\Intel Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d---- 14. 7. 2017 15:44 ExtremeGraphics d---- 23. 5. 2018 12:47 gp d---- 14. 7. 2017 15:41 Logs
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