shutdown /r /t 0For shutdown:
shutdown -s
Microsoft AX 2012, X++, C#, SQL server, SSRS, Java, JavaFX, Oracle, PL/SQL, Delphi - codes examples, step-by-step tutorials, experiences.
#ISOCountryRegionCodes static void Job(Args _args) { LogisticsAddressCountryRegionISOCode isoCode = SysCountryRegionCode::countryInfo(); if (isoCode == #isoCZ ) info( isoCode ); }Output:
CZNote: To defined macro you can pass parameters. In macro you access to its by order -> %1, %2 ...and so on.
select isnull( revision, '< null >Output is:' ) from drawing_drawing;
---------- < null >Different situation is when varchar field is only empty. In that case isnull() returns only empty string:
select isnull( revision, '< null >Output is:' ) from drawing_drawing;
----------The solution is to use inner function nullif() - ...question: which value is NULL ?
select isnull( nullif( revision, '' ), '< null >Output is:' ) from drawing_drawing;
---------- < null >
function Month_Execute( pPeriod varchar2, sErrorMessage out varchar2 ) return number is sMinName; sMaxName; begin ...
create trigger [dbo].[drawing_drawing_update] on [dbo].[drawing_drawing] for update as begin set nocount on; raiserror( N'Table can`t be updated.', 16, 1 ) with nowait; rollback tran; return; end;Alternatively, you can protect only specified updated field(s):
create trigger [dbo].[drawing_drawing_update] on [dbo].[drawing_drawing] for update as begin set nocount on; if UPDATE( validsince ) begin raiserror( N'Field can`t be updated.', 16, 1 ) with nowait; rollback tran; return; end; end;When you trying to save row in application, this message will appears: