declare @ra_min float = ( select min(x) from ( values ( @ra_from ), ( @ra_to ) ) as n(x) ); declare @ra_max float = ( select max(x) from ( values ( @ra_from ), ( @ra_to ) ) as n(x) );
Microsoft AX 2012, X++, C#, SQL server, SSRS, Java, JavaFX, Oracle, PL/SQL, Delphi - codes examples, step-by-step tutorials, experiences.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
SQL SERVER - How to get min/max value from more values
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
SQL SERVER - How to generate more rows from one row (with count limited by source row value)
Suppose this situation, I have this query that returns two rows.
How to make it ? One variant is here:
select a.prodid, a.itemid, a.qtycalc from prodtable a where a.prodid in ( '19-047442', '19-047441' )Output:
prodid itemid qtycalc -------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- 19-047441 5801-989-012_1138-00_lak 4.0000000000000000 19-047442 5801-989-012_1138-00_lak 12.0000000000000000 (2 row(s) affected)Now I want to make "exemplar query" - for every piece in PRODID to generate one row, so total 16 rows.
How to make it ? One variant is here:
with cte as ( select row_number() over ( order by itemid ) AS rownum from inventtable ) select n.rownum, a.prodid, a.qtycalc from prodtable a cross join ( select * from cte where rownum < 999 ) n where a.prodid in ( '19-047442', '19-047441' ) and a.prodpoolid = 'SED_CES_ST' and a.prodstatus = 4 and n.rownum <= a.qtycalcOutput:
rownum prodid qtycalc -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- 1 19-047441 4.0000000000000000 2 19-047441 4.0000000000000000 3 19-047441 4.0000000000000000 4 19-047441 4.0000000000000000 1 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 2 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 3 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 4 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 5 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 6 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 7 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 8 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 9 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 10 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 11 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 12 19-047442 12.0000000000000000 (16 row(s) affected)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
C# - How combine path with file name without problem
C# - List.AddRange() - how copy one List object to another in one row
I have two List:
Node: Import is class, that contains Rows.
List<ObjectCoordinateBase> AllObjects; List<InfoStar> Rows;When I want copy objects from InfoStar class to ObjectCoordinate class, I can use List.AddRange() method.
Node: Import is class, that contains Rows.
Map.AllObjects.AddRange( import.GetAsObjectCoordinateBase() );
And here:public IEnumerable<ObjectCoordinateBase> GetAsObjectCoordinateBase() { List<ObjectCoordinateBase> list = new List<ObjectCoordinateBase>(); this.Rows.ForEach( item => { list.Add( new ObjectCoordinateBase( item ) ); } ); return list; }
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
C# - How to create yes-no question
Friday, October 4, 2019
C# - How to join two LINQ dataset
This example join COUNTRY with CONTINENT; and shows CONTINENT where exists COUNTRY with population greater than 300.
/* -- declare class */ public class Country { public string Name; public string ContinentName; public int Population; public Country( string _name, string _continentName, int _population ) { this.Name = _name; this.ContinentName = _continentName; this.Population = _population; } } /* -- init */ List<country> listCountry = new ListOutput:(); listCountry.Add( new Country( "czech", "europe", 10 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "germany", "europe", 60 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "france", "europe", 60 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "usa", "america", 350 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "china", "asia", 1200 ) ); /* -- join */ List listContinent = new List (); listContinent.Add( new Continent( "europe", 1 ) ); listContinent.Add( new Continent( "america", 2 ) ); listContinent.Add( new Continent( "asia", 3 ) ); var list = ( from rowCountry in listCountry join rowContinent in listContinent on rowCountry.ContinentName equals rowContinent.ContinentName where rowCountry.Population > 300 select new { Name = rowCountry.Name, RelationField = rowContinent.RelationField } ); foreach ( var row in list ) Console.WriteLine( string.Format( "ContinentName = {0} RelationField={1} ", row.Name, row.RelationField ) ); Console.WriteLine();
ContinentName = usa RelationField=2 ContinentName = china RelationField=3
Thursday, August 22, 2019
C# - How to use IEnumerable interface with LINQ
/* -- declare class */ public class Country { public string Name; public string ContinentName; public int Population; public Country( string _name, string _continentName, int _population ) { this.Name = _name; this.ContinentName = _continentName; this.Population = _population; } } /* -- init */ List<country> listCountry = new ListOutput:(); listCountry.Add( new Country( "czech", "europe", 10 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "germany", "europe", 60 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "france", "europe", 60 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "usa", "america", 350 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "china", "asia", 1200 ) ); /* -- IEnumerable -> list of europe items */ IEnumerable<country> europeList = from row in listCountry where row.ContinentName == "europe" select row; foreach ( Country row in europeList ) Console.WriteLine( row.Name ); Console.WriteLine();
czech germany france
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
C# - How to get sum for field in LINQ, where condition, with both syntax variants
/* -- declare class */ public class Country { public string Name; public string ContinentName; public int Population; public Country( string _name, string _continentName, int _population ) { this.Name = _name; this.ContinentName = _continentName; this.Population = _population; } } /* -- init */ List<country> listCountry = new ListOutput:(); listCountry.Add( new Country( "czech", "europe", 10 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "germany", "europe", 60 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "france", "europe", 60 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "usa", "america", 350 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "china", "asia", 1200 ) ); double value; /* -- sum - query syntax variant */ value = ( from row in listCountry where row.ContinentName == "europe" select row.Population ).Sum(); Console.WriteLine( string.Format( "Sum of population, europe (variant 1) = {0}", value ) ); /* -- sum - fluent syntax variant */ value = listCountry.Where( w => w.ContinentName == "europe" ).Sum( x => x.Population ); Console.WriteLine( string.Format( "Sum of population, europe (variant 2) = {0}", value ) );
Sum of population, europe (variant 1) = 130 Sum of population, europe (variant 2) = 130
C# - How to get sum for field in LINQ with both syntax variants
/* -- declare class */ public class Country { public string Name; public string ContinentName; public int Population; public Country( string _name, string _continentName, int _population ) { this.Name = _name; this.ContinentName = _continentName; this.Population = _population; } } /* -- init */ List<country> listCountry = new ListOutput:(); listCountry.Add( new Country( "czech", "europe", 10 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "germany", "europe", 60 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "france", "europe", 60 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "usa", "america", 350 ) ); listCountry.Add( new Country( "china", "asia", 1200 ) ); double value; /* -- sum - query syntax variant */ value = ( from row in listCountry select row.Population ).Sum(); Console.WriteLine( string.Format( "Sum of population(variant 1) = {0}", value ) ); /* -- sum - fluent syntax variant */ value = listCountry.Sum( x => x.Population ); Console.WriteLine( string.Format( "Sum of population (variant 2) = {0}", value ) );
Sum of population(variant 1) = 1680 Sum of population (variant 2) = 1680
Monday, August 5, 2019
AX - How to work with time zone
This example shows actual hour:
First row is actual time; second row is shifted to user predefined time zone; third row is shifted to specific fixed time zone.
First row is actual time; second row is shifted to user predefined time zone; third row is shifted to specific fixed time zone.
info( int2str( DateTimeUtil::hour( DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime() ) ) ); info( int2str( DateTimeUtil::hour( DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset( DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime(), DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone() ) ) ) ); info( int2str( DateTimeUtil::hour( DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset( DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime(), Timezone::GMTPLUS0100_AMSTERDAM_BERLIN_BERN_ROME ) ) ) );Output:
7 9 9
Monday, July 29, 2019
SSRS - How to format period in YYYYMM form in expression
Current month:
=Format( Now(), "yyyyMM" )Output:
Friday, May 3, 2019
JAVAFX - How to fill LineChart
This LineChart has X String axis and Y Number axis.
@FXML LineChartOutput:Chart; ... /* when is TRUE, is problem with X axis labels */ Chart.setAnimated( false ); /* -- get axis */ CategoryAxis bottomAxis = (CategoryAxis) Chart.getXAxis(); Axis leftAxis = Chart.getYAxis(); /* -- set axis title */ bottomAxis.setLabel( "Bottom axis" ); leftAxis.setLabel( "Left axis" ); /* -- create series */ /* first */ Series serie = new XYChart.Series (); serie.setName( "First" ); serie.getData().add( new XYChart.Data( "Jan", 23 ) ); serie.getData().add( new XYChart.Data( "Feb", 32 ) ); serie.getData().add( new XYChart.Data( "Mar", 50 ) ); /* second */ Series serie2 = new XYChart.Series (); serie2.setName( "Second" ); serie2.getData().add( new XYChart.Data( "Jan", 100 ) ); serie2.getData().add( new XYChart.Data( "Feb", 72 ) ); serie2.getData().add( new XYChart.Data( "Mar", 20 ) ); /* remove point symbols */ Chart.setCreateSymbols(false); /* add series to chart */ Chart.getData().clear(); Chart.getData().add( serie ); Chart.getData().add( serie2 );
Monday, March 25, 2019
SQL SERVER - How to get end of month date
select eomonth( getdate(), -1 ) select eomonth( getdate() ) select eomonth( getdate(), 1 )Output:
---------- 2019-02-28 (1 row(s) affected) ---------- 2019-03-31 (1 row(s) affected) ---------- 2019-04-30 (1 row(s) affected)
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
DELPHI - How to go through all rows in dataset with bookmark
Bookmarks store your position in dataset and after action you can return back to original record.
iCount : integer;
pBookmark : TBookmark;
pDataSetSource : TDataSet;
Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
iCount := 1;
pBookmark := pDatasetSource.GetBookmark;
while not pDatasetSource.Eof do
{ action with record }
inc( iCount );
pDatasetSource.GotoBookmark( pBookmark );
Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
DELPHI - How to show enum name as string (TFieldType)
Add System.TypInfo to your uses statement:
i : integer;
pColumn : TcxGridDBColumn;
for i := 0 to pGridView.VisibleColumnCount - 1 do
pColumn := TcxGridDBColumn( pGridView.VisibleColumns[i] );
ShowMessage( pColumn.DataBinding.FieldName + ' , ' +
GetEnumName( TypeInfo(TFieldType),
ord( pColumn.DataBinding.Field.DataType ) ) );
Output:Thursday, March 7, 2019
AX - How to set button link to another menu item
postJournal.menuItemName( menuitemActionStr( InventJournalPostMovement ) );
Thursday, January 31, 2019
JAVA - How to solve REF/OUT method parameters
JAVA doesn`t support REF/OUT method parameters (=parameters that could be changed in method to another value).
But you can define class instance, which can be passed and used as REF:
1) Prepare this help class with one int variable:
But you can define class instance, which can be passed and used as REF:
1) Prepare this help class with one int variable:
public class ParamWrapperInt { public int value; }2) Use it:
private boolean methodName( ParamWrapperInt _maxMinorDimension ) {
/* work with int */
_maxMinorDimension.value = ...
return true;
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
WIN OS - How to get IP address from MAC address
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
AX - How to split string to parts
The field custVendExternalItem.Description contains value "PO885895/C".
For split to strings with "/" delimiter use this code:
For split to strings with "/" delimiter use this code:
List list = new List( Types::String ); ListEnumerator listEnumerator; int iCounter; ... /* split field custVendExternalItem.Description */ list = strSplit( custVendExternalItem.Description, "/" ); listEnumerator = list.getEnumerator(); iCounter = 1; while ( listEnumerator.moveNext() ) { if ( iCounter == 1 ) tmpTable.PO_number = listEnumerator.current(); if ( iCounter == 2 ) tmpTable.revision = listEnumerator.current(); iCounter++; }
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