... count(*) as rowscount, sum( case a.costamount when 0 then 0 else 1 end ) as rowscount_nonzero
Microsoft AX 2012, X++, C#, SQL server, SSRS, Java, JavaFX, Oracle, PL/SQL, Delphi - codes examples, step-by-step tutorials, experiences.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
sql server - How to count only rows where are non-zero value
In SELECT use this construction with CASE statement:
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Friday, July 22, 2022
c# - How convert string array into one string
If you use this code on string array:
string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); Console.Write( args.ToString() );you will get:
System.String[]But better way in this case is to use string.Join() function (where you can set used delimiter):
string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
Console.Write( string.Join( ",", args ) );
Friday, June 24, 2022
c# - How get important system informations
Sometimes you need for example width of the standard scrollbar. For getting it you can use SystemInformation class (WinForms).
Here is a list of supported properties and their values.
Type t = typeof( System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation ); PropertyInfo[] property = t.GetProperties(); for( int i = 0; i < property.Length; i++ ) richTextBox1.Text += property[ i ].Name + " = " + property[ i ].GetValue( null, null ).ToString() + "\n";Output:
DragFullWindows = True HighContrast = False MouseWheelScrollLines = 3 PrimaryMonitorSize = {Width=1920, Height=1080} VerticalScrollBarWidth = 17 HorizontalScrollBarHeight = 17 CaptionHeight = 23 BorderSize = {Width=1, Height=1} FixedFrameBorderSize = {Width=3, Height=3} VerticalScrollBarThumbHeight = 17 HorizontalScrollBarThumbWidth = 17 IconSize = {Width=32, Height=32} CursorSize = {Width=32, Height=32} MenuFont = [Font: Name=Segoe UI, Size=12, Units=0, GdiCharSet=1, GdiVerticalFont=False] MenuHeight = 20 PowerStatus = System.Windows.Forms.PowerStatus WorkingArea = {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080} KanjiWindowHeight = 0 MousePresent = True VerticalScrollBarArrowHeight = 17 HorizontalScrollBarArrowWidth = 17 DebugOS = False MouseButtonsSwapped = False MinimumWindowSize = {Width=136, Height=39} CaptionButtonSize = {Width=36, Height=22} FrameBorderSize = {Width=4, Height=4} MinWindowTrackSize = {Width=136, Height=39} DoubleClickSize = {Width=4, Height=4} DoubleClickTime = 500 IconSpacingSize = {Width=75, Height=75} RightAlignedMenus = False PenWindows = False DbcsEnabled = False MouseButtons = 8 Secure = False Border3DSize = {Width=2, Height=2} MinimizedWindowSpacingSize = {Width=160, Height=28} SmallIconSize = {Width=16, Height=16} ToolWindowCaptionHeight = 23 ToolWindowCaptionButtonSize = {Width=22, Height=22} MenuButtonSize = {Width=19, Height=19} ArrangeStartingPosition = Hide ArrangeDirection = Left MinimizedWindowSize = {Width=160, Height=28} MaxWindowTrackSize = {Width=1940, Height=1100} PrimaryMonitorMaximizedWindowSize = {Width=1936, Height=1096} Network = True TerminalServerSession = False BootMode = Normal DragSize = {Width=4, Height=4} ShowSounds = False MenuCheckSize = {Width=15, Height=15} MidEastEnabled = False NativeMouseWheelSupport = True MouseWheelPresent = True VirtualScreen = {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080} MonitorCount = 1 MonitorsSameDisplayFormat = True ComputerName = WZ1G89XBX UserDomainName = LYZ UserInteractive = True UserName = pirklj IsDropShadowEnabled = True IsFlatMenuEnabled = True IsFontSmoothingEnabled = True FontSmoothingContrast = 1200 FontSmoothingType = 2 IconHorizontalSpacing = 75 IconVerticalSpacing = 75 IsIconTitleWrappingEnabled = True MenuAccessKeysUnderlined = False KeyboardDelay = 1 IsKeyboardPreferred = False KeyboardSpeed = 31 MouseHoverSize = {Width=4, Height=4} MouseHoverTime = 400 MouseSpeed = 10 IsSnapToDefaultEnabled = False PopupMenuAlignment = Right IsMenuFadeEnabled = True MenuShowDelay = 400 IsComboBoxAnimationEnabled = True IsTitleBarGradientEnabled = True IsHotTrackingEnabled = True IsListBoxSmoothScrollingEnabled = True IsMenuAnimationEnabled = True IsSelectionFadeEnabled = True IsToolTipAnimationEnabled = True UIEffectsEnabled = True IsActiveWindowTrackingEnabled = False ActiveWindowTrackingDelay = 0 IsMinimizeRestoreAnimationEnabled = False BorderMultiplierFactor = 1 CaretBlinkTime = 530 CaretWidth = 1 MouseWheelScrollDelta = 120 VerticalFocusThickness = 1 HorizontalFocusThickness = 1 VerticalResizeBorderThickness = 4 HorizontalResizeBorderThickness = 4 ScreenOrientation = Angle0 SizingBorderWidth = 1 SmallCaptionButtonSize = {Width=22, Height=22} MenuBarButtonSize = {Width=19, Height=19}
Thursday, June 9, 2022
c# - How to format interpolated strings
This example writes double value with two decimal places.
double zoom = this.ZoomFactor * 100.0; LStatusZoom.Text = $"Zoom: {zoom:0.##} %";Output:
Zoom: 80.25 %
Monday, June 6, 2022
win os - How to copy all files defined by mask in all subdirectories into one directory
Copy all *.mobi files in current directory and all subdirectories into c:\temp\mobi directory.
The destination directory must exists.
UPDATE: Better variant:
find . -name \*.mobi -exec cp {} c:/temp/mobi/ \;
for /r %i in (*.epub) do xcopy /Y "%i" c:\temp\mobi
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
c# - How to make DOWN button (in group of buttons)
The goal: Only one button from group can be down.
Every button link through Click event to this method:
private void downclick( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Button b = (Button)sender; /* if is down -> do nothing */ if ( b.BackColor == Color.IndianRed ) return; /* set as down */ b.BackColor = Color.IndianRed; /* deselect others */ b.Parent.Controls .Cast<Control>() .Where( x => x is Button ) .Cast<Button>() .Where( x => x != b ) .ToList() .ForEach( x => x.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke ); }So - pushed button = Color.IndianRed. If you want to know which button is down pushed:
/* get down button */
Button b = groupBox1.Controls
.Where( x => x is Button )
.Where( x => x.BackColor == Color.IndianRed )
MessageBox.Show( b.Text );
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
c# - How to create instance with string class name
String variable sClass contains for example Box.LayoutItem string. ParentObject and ParentID are optional constructor parameters.
var p = Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetType( sClass ), parentObject, parentID );
LayoutItem p1 = (LayoutItem)p;
p1.Load( x );
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
c# - How to solve error "Sequence contains no elements" by Max() LINQ
This error occurs when the list is empty - no items are suitable for conditions.
int xCalc = _layoutManager.Items
.Where( x=> x.ParentObject == this.ParentObject )
.Where( x=> x.LayoutRelativePosition == LayoutRelativePositionEnum.RIGHT )
.Where( x=> x.IDOrder < this.IDOrder )
.Max( x=> x.xCalc + x.heightCalc );
Above Max() version returns in that situation (no items) error "Sequence contains no elements".
For solution you can use this format of the Max() function:
int xCalc = _layoutManager.Items .Where( x=> x.ParentObject == this.ParentObject ) .Where( x=> x.LayoutRelativePosition == LayoutRelativePositionEnum.RIGHT ) .Where( x=> x.IDOrder < this.IDOrder ) .Select(x => x.xCalc + x.heightCalc ) .DefaultIfEmpty() .Max();
Monday, March 21, 2022
c# - How get last x chars from string by LINQ
One possibility (last 6 chars):
string s = "This is a text"; MessageBox.Show( s.Substring( s.Length - 6 ) );Another possibility with LINQ support (last 6 chars):
string s = "This is a text"; MessageBox.Show( new string( s.TakeLast(6).ToArray() ) );
Thursday, February 24, 2022
c# - How solve if Console.WriteLine() doesn`t work
In that situation you can try this replacement:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( sDescription );
Monday, February 21, 2022
c# - How to download file from the web as string
Useful for example for .xml downloading.
Old (now obsolete method):
string str = ""; #pragma warning disable SYSLIB0014 // Type or member is obsolete using( var wc = new WebClient() ) { str = wc.DownloadString( this.URL ); } #pragma warning restore SYSLIB0014 // Type or member is obsoleteNew method:
string str = ""; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); using ( HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync( this.URL ).Result ) { using ( HttpContent content = response.Content ) { str = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; } }
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
sql server - How to use IFF instead of CASE
Since 2012+ version can be used IFF statement (similar like DECODE() in Oracle):
select todate
from pricedisctable
itemrelation = 'S-331-123-2056';
select IIF( todate='1900-01-01 00:00:00.000', null, todate )
from pricedisctable
itemrelation = 'S-331-123-2056';
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