Thursday, March 15, 2018

AX - How check free space in sequences (=if sequences have space for growing)

Sometimes you need to know, which sequences are full - or near to full.
This SQL script shows free space in sequences in percent.
select a.* 
select a.*, 
cast( cast( a.[free] as numeric(15,2) ) / cast( a.[space] as numeric(15,2) ) * 100 
as numeric(15,2) ) as [free_%] 
select a.numbersequence, a.lowest, a.highest, a.nextrec, 

a.highest - a.lowest as [space],
a.highest - a.nextrec as [free]

from numbersequencetable a
a.blocked = 0 and
a.cyclic = 0
) a
) a
order by a.[free_%]
numbersequence lowest      highest     nextrec     space       free        free_%
-------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------
Inve_38        1           999999      703701      999998      296298      29.63
Inve_33        1           99999       31366       99998       68633       68.63
Gene_24        1           99999       29841       99998       70158       70.16
Time_6         1           9999999     2665830     9999998     7334169     73.34
Docu_3         1           99999       19037       99998       80962       80.96
Prod_26        1           9999999     1327561     9999998     8672438     86.72
Prod_27        14000       999999      130299      985999      869700      88.20

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